Camino del Norte | Stage 3: Ibiri to Markina
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Stage 3: Ibiri to Markina
Highlights & Challenges
Stage 3: Ibiri to Markina
DISTANCE 13 mi | 20.9 km
SCENERY Countryside with mountain views
ALBERGUE Albergue Intxasupe
ELEVATION ↑ 1690 ft, ↓ 2245 ft
View elevation profile on Gaia GPS
Walking through the countryside
Little shade available
Biting flies
Unlike Stage 2, Stage 3 was not my favorite day. It was a hot, unshaded, swampy-air kind of day where my walk consisted of slapping biting flies and navigating minefields of horse poop. To add to it, after leaving the albergue in the morning, I made it about a mile before realizing that I had left my hiking poles behind. Being only Day 3 and about a week of walking from a city, I opted to walk back to get them, adding mileage to an already toasty day. Other than this mishap and the hot weather, Stage 3 had nice countryside views starting around mile 4.
I opted to stay about a mile from Markina, a small town with the usual array of minimal services—restaurant, store, bar. I enjoyed Albergue Intxasupe, a 20-bed accommodation that offers dinner and solitude. My friends opted for the municipal albergue in Markina but were a little late to arrive and ended up sleeping in the hallway on blankets. In my opinion, that’s all part of the experience, but if you want a guaranteed bed, consider reserving a bed at Intxasupe.
Albergue Intxasupe
Located a short mile out of the main area, Intxasupe is a quiet reprieve. The albergue is a separate building from the inn that is also on the property. Dinner is delicious, as always.
→ Book Albergue Intaxsupe via email
LOCATION One mile from Markina, no services here
BED Bed in communal room
COST €14
ADD ON Dinner (€11)
Other Options
Convento del Carmen Markina: Donativo (basic, in center of town, no reservations)
Albergue Intxasupe
Start early. The trail is mostly exposed making for a hot walk. It also helps to arrive early if you are looking for a bed at the municipal albergue.
Buy snacks before leaving Markina. There are few services and stores along the way the next day. It’s a good idea to stock up on food lest a snack emergency reveals itself.
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