central america

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A small but mighty region - central america is a one-stop shop for nature lovers and adventure enthusiasts

If you are on the hunt for the best beaches in the world, you can confidently end your search in Central America. This region is characterized by soft sand, clear water, sunshine, and lush jungles. It’s a land just begging to have a hammock strung across it




when to visit


recommended times            

  • January: Enjoy outdoor activities during the dry season at the perfect time, which falls right after the Christmas travelers leave and before the cruise-shippers arrive.

  • Late-November/Early-December: Get the best of both seasons by enjoying the start of the dry season while also enjoying the lush, green jungles fresh from the wet season’s rains. It is also less crowded at this time.

wet season | May-Oct

  • Heaviest rains are in September and October

  • April is more expensive

  • School holiday breaks (June/July) are busy, especially in Costa Rica

dry season | Nov-apr

  • Driest months are January and February

  • December is busy, especially over Christmas

  • February - April is peak-season, with cruise ships at port along the coast

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